The first paragraph is a message from Chief Brian Strobele alerting people about a scammer pretending to need money for baby supplies. The money is actually for crack supplies...
A W/M,40-50's is going to doors in the A District at strange hours of the night asking for money to buy Diapers and formula. He states that he only lives a few doors away and will bring the money back when his wife gets home from work.He may actually drive up to the house and have another person waiting in his vehicle.Please do NOT give him any money and do NOT let him in your house.Call 911 right away and get a good description and vehicle information or plate number if you can.Be Safe.....Thanks
Monday Dec 14th
159 Smith--Assault---suspect listed.
9 Downing--Home Invasion--3 unk males entered house a forcibly took his 46" tv,displayed a black pistol.
64 Koester--Burglary--unknown entry--WII,Dell laptop,HP laptop,jewelry,coins stolen.
155 Bailey(NOCO)-shoplifting--W/M stole 12 pack of beer.Plate # given.
1460 S Park(TOPS)--larceny--purse stolen from a cart.
68 Remoleno--crim mis/larceny from a car--pass side window broken--car stereo stolen.
1460 S Park(TOPS)-shoplifter--2 arrests--Jacquilyn Hill..Aldrich.1 juvenile.
58 Pierce st--larceny--decorations stolen from front lawn.
28 Alamo--crim mis--rear car window broken
19 Ryan--harassment---lug nuts on car tire loosened.
69 Red Jacket--assault---warrant card issued.
A District--1 arrest on a warrant--Timothy Garner...Butler ave
59 Dash--Assault from 11-29-09--1 arrest--Robert Willard...Eaglewood.
63 Kingston--threats--suspect listed.
Dash/Remoleno---crim mis -dash damaged inside of the car.
Tuesday Dec 15th
85 Hayden--larceny--money missing from account--suspect listed.
386 Downing--Assault--warrant card issued.
573 Fulton--Fraud--unauthorized charges on charge card.
115 Abbott--crim mis--gutter damage on house.
144 Milton--crim mis--hole broken into building--fire extinguisher sprayed into hallway.
32 Ryan--crim mis--tire punctured.
95 Dorothy--crim mis--BB gun shot thru several truck windows.on different vehicles
A District--sexual abuse---female victim filed a report from 6-12 yrs she was abused--suspect listed.
42 Woodside--1 arrest--Kelly H Granger...Michaels Pl...Lackawanna--Obstruction,disorderly,harassment.
1460 S Park--possesion of stolen property--1 arrest--Raymond Gutowski..Littell ave--possed victims stolen bike.
364 S Ogden--crim mis--2 rocks thrwon thru front window.
1028 McKinley(McDonalds)-customer trouble--1 arrest--Jason Lawler...Choate ave
Wed Dec 16th
1894 Clinton--Burglary--suspect listed.
149 Van Rensselaer--Robbery--unk known male suspect took prescription meds at knife point.
2114 Seneca--Larceny--meds removed from hallway after Postal delivery.
64 Trowbridge--larceny--brown Coach purse stolen from a car.
82 Roanoke--larceny--350 CD's stolen from a car.
94 Meriden--UUV
9 Zittel--assault--1 arrest--Jason Zacholski..
182 Maurice--larceny from 12-07-09--1 arrest..Thomas Burtis IV....E Main st...Gowanda
9 Pritchard--crim mis--items poured on car.
139 Peabody--Burglary--boards removed from windows without permission.
53 Baitz--Assault--1 arrest---Emanuel Harris
164 Parkview--Crim Mis--unk male broke rear car window.
124 Fredro--1 arrest--Drugs--Michael C Sherk..Ansley ct ..west Seneca
Thur Dec 17th
2382 Seneca--cust trouble--1 arrest--Tricia Lemke...Lisa Lane....Blasdell--failure to pay cab fare.
550 Bailey(Parking Lot)--Robbery--B/m did forcibly grab $120.00 dollars from victim--suspect arrested by A District officers the next day.
27 Robins--threats--suspect listed.
138 Milton--phone harassment
78 Fields--Burglary--rear window broken---tools stolen.
701 Seneca suite 430--Burglary--buisness enterd---3 laptops,I phone stolen.
145 Scoville--threats--suspect listed.
A District--1 arrest on warrant--picked up in Mayville NY(Chautaqua Sheriffs)---Derick Mallory...andover...Bflo
Clinton/Metcalf--1 arrest--drugs---Charles M Kramer...Jones st...complt about 96 Metcalfe..large amount of pills recovered.
Friday Dec 18th
553 Hopkins--Assault---1 arrest--Nicole Erle
Seneca/Kingston--Assault--2 unk W/M's did punch victim
1312 Seneca--threats--
2133 S park(NOCO)--shoplifting--2 unk W/M's 17-18 did steal 2- 30 packs of beer.
36 Troupe--assault--
51 Lilac--threats--suspect listed.
116 Lockwood--1 arrest--Obstructing Robbery Investigation---Delainy Santos
2076 S Park--Armed Robbery---2 arrests--Johnathan Mojica...Lockwood,Jose Gonzalez..esser st
8 Keppel--viol order of protection--suspect listed.
209 Weiss--Assault--1 arrest--Anthony Lloyd..Colvin
146 Pontiac--larceny from a car--Radio,GPS,Footballl jerseys,gift cards stolen
69 Fulton--Burglary--steel door damaged--copper pipes stolen.
2157 Seneca--larceny--2 fake money orders sent to victim.$1,900 dollars stolen from her account.
360 Dingens--larceny--14 Blue Rhino propane tanks stolen
Sat Dec 19th
386 Swan--UUV and RUUV--vehicle involved in accident and was impounded.
103 Densmore--larceny of purse---2 W/M's did remove complt purse from her car.
108 Louisianna--larceny--home made trailer stolen NY REG AL43864.
81 Abbott--crim mis/larceny from a car--dash damaged--stereo stolen.
58 Rejtan---Burglary--rear window broken--jewelry & Christmas presents stolen.
67 Baitz--Assault--1 arrest--Tara Maracle
408 Louisianna apt 4--viol order of protection--suspect listed.
2426 S park(Reckios)--assault
Sunday Dec 20th
8 Weiss--fraud--card used at Save A Lot
19 Ryan--crim mis/larceny from a vehicle--windows damaged,stereo stolen.
Foot of Smith--2 arrests--Exposure of a person---William Cowell...Wasson st,Amanda Papierski...Curtis Pkwy...Tonawanda
Clinton/S Ogden--1 arrest DWI---Theoren Miller..Orlando st
38 Troupe--threats--suspect listed.
42 Edson--harassment--suspect listed.
137 Bloomfield--susp person--unk W/M,50's,plaid shirt,med to stocky rang back doorbell,asked fro money for formula.
24 Sheffield--contempt of court order--suspect listed.
19 Oakdale--Crim mis--suspect listed.
2153 Seneca--drugs & warrant --1 arrest--Edward Powers...Fillmore ave
2079 Seneca--Assault--2 unk W/m's did punch victim in the face.
47 Cable--1 arrest---Robert Sliwinsi...Columbus ave---Viol order of protection.
Monday Dec 14th
159 Smith--Assault---suspect listed.
9 Downing--Home Invasion--3 unk males entered house a forcibly took his 46" tv,displayed a black pistol.
64 Koester--Burglary--unknown entry--WII,Dell laptop,HP laptop,jewelry,coins stolen.
155 Bailey(NOCO)-shoplifting--W/M stole 12 pack of beer.Plate # given.
1460 S Park(TOPS)--larceny--purse stolen from a cart.
68 Remoleno--crim mis/larceny from a car--pass side window broken--car stereo stolen.
1460 S Park(TOPS)-shoplifter--2 arrests--Jacquilyn Hill..Aldrich.1 juvenile.
58 Pierce st--larceny--decorations stolen from front lawn.
28 Alamo--crim mis--rear car window broken
19 Ryan--harassment---lug nuts on car tire loosened.
69 Red Jacket--assault---warrant card issued.
A District--1 arrest on a warrant--Timothy Garner...Butler ave
59 Dash--Assault from 11-29-09--1 arrest--Robert Willard...Eaglewood.
63 Kingston--threats--suspect listed.
Dash/Remoleno---crim mis -dash damaged inside of the car.
Tuesday Dec 15th
85 Hayden--larceny--money missing from account--suspect listed.
386 Downing--Assault--warrant card issued.
573 Fulton--Fraud--unauthorized charges on charge card.
115 Abbott--crim mis--gutter damage on house.
144 Milton--crim mis--hole broken into building--fire extinguisher sprayed into hallway.
32 Ryan--crim mis--tire punctured.
95 Dorothy--crim mis--BB gun shot thru several truck windows.on different vehicles
A District--sexual abuse---female victim filed a report from 6-12 yrs she was abused--suspect listed.
42 Woodside--1 arrest--Kelly H Granger...Michaels Pl...Lackawanna--Obstruction,disorderly,harassment.
1460 S Park--possesion of stolen property--1 arrest--Raymond Gutowski..Littell ave--possed victims stolen bike.
364 S Ogden--crim mis--2 rocks thrwon thru front window.
1028 McKinley(McDonalds)-customer trouble--1 arrest--Jason Lawler...Choate ave
Wed Dec 16th
1894 Clinton--Burglary--suspect listed.
149 Van Rensselaer--Robbery--unk known male suspect took prescription meds at knife point.
2114 Seneca--Larceny--meds removed from hallway after Postal delivery.
64 Trowbridge--larceny--brown Coach purse stolen from a car.
82 Roanoke--larceny--350 CD's stolen from a car.
94 Meriden--UUV
9 Zittel--assault--1 arrest--Jason Zacholski..
182 Maurice--larceny from 12-07-09--1 arrest..Thomas Burtis IV....E Main st...Gowanda
9 Pritchard--crim mis--items poured on car.
139 Peabody--Burglary--boards removed from windows without permission.
53 Baitz--Assault--1 arrest---Emanuel Harris
164 Parkview--Crim Mis--unk male broke rear car window.
124 Fredro--1 arrest--Drugs--Michael C Sherk..Ansley ct ..west Seneca
Thur Dec 17th
2382 Seneca--cust trouble--1 arrest--Tricia Lemke...Lisa Lane....Blasdell--failure to pay cab fare.
550 Bailey(Parking Lot)--Robbery--B/m did forcibly grab $120.00 dollars from victim--suspect arrested by A District officers the next day.
27 Robins--threats--suspect listed.
138 Milton--phone harassment
78 Fields--Burglary--rear window broken---tools stolen.
701 Seneca suite 430--Burglary--buisness enterd---3 laptops,I phone stolen.
145 Scoville--threats--suspect listed.
A District--1 arrest on warrant--picked up in Mayville NY(Chautaqua Sheriffs)---Derick Mallory...andover...Bflo
Clinton/Metcalf--1 arrest--drugs---Charles M Kramer...Jones st...complt about 96 Metcalfe..large amount of pills recovered.
Friday Dec 18th
553 Hopkins--Assault---1 arrest--Nicole Erle
Seneca/Kingston--Assault--2 unk W/M's did punch victim
1312 Seneca--threats--
2133 S park(NOCO)--shoplifting--2 unk W/M's 17-18 did steal 2- 30 packs of beer.
36 Troupe--assault--
51 Lilac--threats--suspect listed.
116 Lockwood--1 arrest--Obstructing Robbery Investigation---Delainy Santos
2076 S Park--Armed Robbery---2 arrests--Johnathan Mojica...Lockwood,Jose Gonzalez..esser st
8 Keppel--viol order of protection--suspect listed.
209 Weiss--Assault--1 arrest--Anthony Lloyd..Colvin
146 Pontiac--larceny from a car--Radio,GPS,Footballl jerseys,gift cards stolen
69 Fulton--Burglary--steel door damaged--copper pipes stolen.
2157 Seneca--larceny--2 fake money orders sent to victim.$1,900 dollars stolen from her account.
360 Dingens--larceny--14 Blue Rhino propane tanks stolen
Sat Dec 19th
386 Swan--UUV and RUUV--vehicle involved in accident and was impounded.
103 Densmore--larceny of purse---2 W/M's did remove complt purse from her car.
108 Louisianna--larceny--home made trailer stolen NY REG AL43864.
81 Abbott--crim mis/larceny from a car--dash damaged--stereo stolen.
58 Rejtan---Burglary--rear window broken--jewelry & Christmas presents stolen.
67 Baitz--Assault--1 arrest--Tara Maracle
408 Louisianna apt 4--viol order of protection--suspect listed.
2426 S park(Reckios)--assault
Sunday Dec 20th
8 Weiss--fraud--card used at Save A Lot
19 Ryan--crim mis/larceny from a vehicle--windows damaged,stereo stolen.
Foot of Smith--2 arrests--Exposure of a person---William Cowell...Wasson st,Amanda Papierski...Curtis Pkwy...Tonawanda
Clinton/S Ogden--1 arrest DWI---Theoren Miller..Orlando st
38 Troupe--threats--suspect listed.
42 Edson--harassment--suspect listed.
137 Bloomfield--susp person--unk W/M,50's,plaid shirt,med to stocky rang back doorbell,asked fro money for formula.
24 Sheffield--contempt of court order--suspect listed.
19 Oakdale--Crim mis--suspect listed.
2153 Seneca--drugs & warrant --1 arrest--Edward Powers...Fillmore ave
2079 Seneca--Assault--2 unk W/m's did punch victim in the face.
47 Cable--1 arrest---Robert Sliwinsi...Columbus ave---Viol order of protection.
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