You got to read the article. Higgins says he directly confronted the President of Afghanistan Hamid Karzoi regarding corruption in that country. Please, Brian. Who are you trying to kid? You were just in Doc Sullivan's last week eating chicken wings for Christ sake!You didn't confront any world leader on anything. Higgins goes on to say that he has serious doubts as to whether Karzoi is a reliable partner for the U.S.
After your support of Byron Brown over one of our neighbors, many South Buffalo residents are having serious doubts as to whether you are a reliable partner, Brian. Stop trying to BS your constituents with fake news and do something about our floundering local economy.
I have to go. I have to take a call from the Prime Minister of Iraq.
20-year commitment needed in Afghanistan, Higgins says : World & Nation : The Buffalo News
You address nothing in your post. If you have an opinion on Afghanistan please share it. I do not agree with Higgins on much, but his assessment seems to follow. Just because he is wrong repeatedly does not inherently wrong on this score.