Remember this summer when New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg was all over the media saying Carl Paladino didn't have what it took to lead? New York City got hit with a snowstorm last week and four days later, it's streets still weren't plowed. Bloomberg told the residents to "relax and take in a Broadway show." Not exactly Jimmy Griffin. This might have went over well in Manhattan, but not in the other four Burroughs, where the people found his comment out of touch. I'm surprised he didn't tell them to eat cake. New York City bloggers are posting photos of uncleared streets, while Bloomberg's elitist Manhattan street is plowed down to the pavement.
When faced with a two term limit a few years ago, Bloomberg was able to bribe some councilmembers to change the law, so he could remain mayor. We're giving him our 2010 Deer Trapped in Headlights Award for this press conference on the city's abysmal snow removal efforts. Let's see if the rich guy can buy his way out of this one. Why doesn't he just call Fred Dicker? I thought those two clowns had the answers to everything...