State Senator Dale Vulture ended his 38 year reign of terror in Albany today. He said the decision was made when his wife said, "Don't you think it's time you spent more time with me?" Excuse me while I wipe away the tears in my eyes. I love how these crooks become so family orientated right when they're about to get tossed out onto the curb. Volker narrowly won reelection in 2008 (losing Erie County) and was said to be facing three opponents in 2010. When asked about his biggest accomplishment, Volker cited shamelessly posing for pictures after Carl Paladino got the tolls removed. Good riddance, Vulture. We're thankful, but our wallets are even more thankful.
Volker said his proudest moment was the speech he gave at Grover Cleveland's funeral. Volker said he would be celebrating his new found retirement by holding a naked Twister tournament next weekend at his Depew home.
Here's a shocker: He discloses in this interview that he might be in line for a state job in Andrew Cuomo's administration. So much for Cuomo bucking the status quo. Is this the fresh new blood he promised us during the campaign? Stay tuned. We'll find out just how much the Vulture really misses his wife after all...
I wanted to fuckin purge last night when I saw this. It was the most bizarre interview I have ever seen. He didn't have one positive thing to say to his constituents or about the work he has done in office. He pissed away millions on staff. As we can see in this clip the money wasn't spent on computers. I also find it hard to believe Cuomo would have anything to do with Volker. He wants to practice law!?! I bet he was grandfathered into the bar and never took the exam.