This guy in Brazil gives new meaning to the phrase "you'd be late to your own funeral." A man incorrectly identified the body of a deceased car washer. Everyone was mourning at a wake at the mother's house when the thought to be dead man showed up asking what was for dinner...
"The confusion started when news started circulating that a car washer had been shot dead," Jose Marcos' wife, Ana Paula, told the UOL Internet news portal. "Police called my husband and told him that his brother had been killed and his body was at the morgue."
When Araujo showed up at his wake "some people fainted and others were so scared they ran away. It was a big shock," family friend Maria Menezes told the G1 online news site.
Stories like this seem to be happening quite often, lately. And they always seem centered in Brazil. The funniest part is the fact that grown adults would run out of the house scared over something so easily explained.
Man Shows Up At His Own Funeral
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