I'm supporting Stefan Mychajliw for County Comptroller because I believe he will stand up to the County Executive on financial issues. The current Comptroller, David Shenk, was appointed and is basically a rubber stamp for Mark Poloncarz. Poloncarz recently announced his plan to raise property taxes in Erie County. Yet, we haven't heard a peep out of County Comptroller David Shenk. Why? Because Poloncarz was the guy who handpicked Shenk for his job! Would you speak out against your boss? So much for checks and balances. An independent Comptroller would point out some ways in which the County could save money by changing the way they do business.
When Mychajliw was a reporter at WGRZ, the politicians hated him, because he asked them the questions the people wanted asked. He has vowed to continue this style should he get elected. I encourage everyone to educate themselves on the candidates and form their own opinion. Don't take my word for it. Decide for yourself. Here's Mychajliw's 30 second YouTube commercial. He describes himself as cheap (not in this video) and drives a car with 130,000 miles on it. Just the type of person we want looking over our tax dollars...
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