Monday, April 19, 2010

Is everyone aware of this?

Whenever I bring my camera with me, I always end up finding some unexpected footage. I went over by the new road across from Tifft Farms (the Union Ship Canal) hoping to film deer or maybe a coyote. The area now is somewhat of an office park surrounded by woods and railroad tracks.

Everyone has been to the trails over at the nature preserve but I thought it would be interesting to check out the area by this new road. Since there are less people (than at the nature preserve), I figured there might be more animal sightings. I went out about an hour before dark. I was shocked at what I saw over there and I think you will be too. Watch this video and see what is back there. Tires, household garbage, garbage bags filled with what looks like hazardous waste.Look especially at the pile of garbage at 1:36. I'm not looking to point fingers with this footage. Just trying to get people talking and hopefully get this stuff removed. If anyone knows who might be responsible for this, please comment underneath this story. Look at all the names on this sign (which is located less than 50 yards from where I got this footage. Environmental Restoration Program? Watch this footage and you decide...


  1. That horrible! some people r scum bags!

  2. Couldn't read the signs- did they give some kind of clue? There were a few red bags in the beginning of the footage which looked to be hazardous waste. It looks like folks are just driving down there an using it as a waste station. Guess there aren't many patrol cars cruising down there...

  3. Maybe they should put a billboard that reminds people not to throw there waste out the window. Something with a picture of what it looks like when they do.

  4. these are isolated spots hidden along a dirt road. these people are intentionally dumping lots of waste to avoid paying fees. i've honestly never seen anything like it before.
