Looking at this week's crime report, I see some famous people were arrested this week in South Buffalo. On Tuesday January 5th, former Supreme Court Justice nominee Clarence Thomas was arrested for a hit and run on Seneca/Elk. And on Friday, January 8th, former Chicago Bears running back Anthony Thomas (no relation) was arrested on Cumberland for assault. I'm glad he was arrested. I think he had a bad game in 2002 and cost me a fantasy league championship.
Monday January 4th 1205 Seneca--Burglary--Appliances & plumbing stolen...suspect listed.
1205 Seneca--Burglary--door damaged,walls to aprtment damaged.
156 Ryan--crim mis--unknown 16yr old was on car,damaging same.
145 Cable--crim mis--damage to outside door knob
1111 Fuhrmann--RUUV
18 Hillside--threats--1 arrest--Paul Pollina...Dismonda
140 Coolidge---Assault--1 arrest---Debra Wrobel.
2022 Seneca--tresspassing---suspect listed.
364 Marilla--phone harassment---
1205 Seneca--Burglary--door damaged,walls to aprtment damaged.
156 Ryan--crim mis--unknown 16yr old was on car,damaging same.
145 Cable--crim mis--damage to outside door knob
1111 Fuhrmann--RUUV
18 Hillside--threats--1 arrest--Paul Pollina...Dismonda
140 Coolidge---Assault--1 arrest---Debra Wrobel.
2022 Seneca--tresspassing---suspect listed.
364 Marilla--phone harassment---
Tuesday January 5th
S Park/Elk--UUV/Hit & Run---1 arrest--Clarence Thomas..William St
220 Fulton--Burglary--door pryed open..400 feet of copper piping stolen.btwn 12-15-09 & 1-4-10
213 S Park--larceny--keys stolen from kitchen
26 Alamo--crim mis/larceny from a car---window broken,32" tv stolen from car.
38 Eaglewood--larceny from a car--laptop,bookbag,CD's stolen.
63 Ryan--larceny--$300.00 cash,Debit cards stolen...ATM card used .
1232 Clinton--larceny--1 arrest--Lamar L Baker...Hutchinson st
22 Hollywood--crim is--damage to dash board.
2228 Seneca--Assault/Menacing with a gun--2 arrests--Zachery T Bennett..Abbott rd,Shawnta Cody...Alleghany st.
42 Edson--harassment--suspect listed.
36 Harvey Pl--threats--suspect listed.
206 Elk--crim mis--window on car broken
Wednesday January 6th
210 Cable--assault--1 arrest--Francis Kross
180 Perry--crim mis/larceny from a car--window broken..purse,wallet,scarf stolen.
220 W Woodside--threats--suspect listed.
162 Trowbridge--Burglary--suspect listed.
162 Trowbridge--Contempt of Court Order--1 arrest--Bryan Krytus...Thorndale..West Seneca
138 Edson--possesion of a weapon--1 arrest---Bryan Slaughter...large knife
565 Abbott--Fraud--3 money orders forged & cashed.
13 Lester--harassment--suspect listed.
Whitfield/S Park--crim mis to a car--vehicle spray painted.
50 Edson--threats--1 arrest---Joshuah Whyte
29 Duerstein--Assault from 12-23-09--1 arrest--Bryan Slaughter...Hopkins
176 Myrtle--Robbery from 12-31-09--1 arrest---David R Sepulveda
Thursday January 7th
499 Marilla--theft of services--B/M did not pay $35.30 in cab fare
621 Fulton--Assault--1 arrest--Carlos Figueroa
140 McCamley--Assault---suspect listed.
2133 S Park(NOCO)--Robbery--1 arrest--Reece Mims...City Mission
44 Robins--trespassing---suspect listed.
1749 S Park(Aspire)--larceny/fraud---used company credit card illegally--4 suspects listed.
20 Portland--crim mis--damage to drives door
41 Eaglewood--fraud--suspect sold vehicle with altered title and mileage.
103 Spaulding--ID Theft--utilities turned on in victims name.
479 S Legion--Crim mis to a car---rear window broken
Seneca/Cazenovia--larceny--purse stolen from car
382 Swann--UUV---ATV dirt bike stolen from garage--NY REG 80YV06.
382 Swan--Burglary--garage door damaged
Abbott/Edgewood---larceny--suspect listed did remove cash from victims purse.
135 Whitehall--larceny---change stolen from a car.
148 Whitehall--larceny---Garmin GPS,charger,cell phone charger stolen.
290 Larkin--Forgery---1 arrest Felicia Finkley..Glenwood,,did forge several company checks.
162 Trowbridge--Burglary--1 arrest--Warren King...Long st
Friday January 8th
155 Bailey--larceny from a car--purse,cash,radio faceplate stolen.
Perry/E Market --crim mis to a car--drivers window broken
Perry/E Market--crim mis to a car--pass window broken
Abbott/Red Jacket--Drugs--1 arrest---Mike Cassidy..Marilyn Dr ..West Seneca
125 Cable--Assault-suspect listed.
159 Cantwell-- Gang Assault---4 arrests---Eric Crawford,Joshua Mahoney..Rudolph ..Lackawanna,Max Oestereich...Fairview,Jeffery Panicca...Southside Pkwy.
162 Trowbridge--Criminal Contempt...warrant card issued.
395 Cumberland--Assault--1 arrest--Anthony Thomas
123 Roberts--crim mis--rear car window broken
2133 S Park(NOCO)--crim mis to register--1 arrest----Reece Mims...Holding Center--did damage register during Robbery 1-7-10
255 Willett--crim mis-- car keyed while parked in driveway.
86 Geary---threats--suspect listed.
15 Como--Burglary--door forced...playstation,controller,game stolen.
1205 Seneca--crim mis--suspect listed.
Bailey/Elk--Accident Injury--1 arrest--DWI--Alex Migliore...Delaware ave
312 Perry Apt 7G--Burglary--possible key used---cash.jewelry,tv stolen.
6 Yale--falsely reporting---1 arrest--Shanna Foster...
29 Macamley---assault---suspect listed.
Saturday January 9th
1200 Fuhrman--larceny--purse stolen from a car---recovered at S Park/Chicago missing cash.
59 Griswold--larceny from a car--3 wallets stolen,credit cards ,DMV papers.
A District--1 arrest--warrant--Steven Jedynak...Gibbons st
216 Tifft(Soccer Field)--crim mis/larceny from a car--window broken--meds stolen,jump box,tools,Cash stolen.
417 Fulton--harassment--suspect listed.
7 Zittle--crim possesion of stolen property---metal stolen from O Park--suspect followed to 7 Zittle--1 arrest--Kevin Usiak..Zittle
46 Ridgewood--larceny from a car--GPS,medication stolen.
166 Lockwood--larceny--2 W/M's did take complt $20.00 to buy beer and never returned.
1441 Clinton--Burglary--overhead door damaged---change stolen from office.
58 Clifford--Assault/Man with a gun--2 arrests--Christopher Nola...Potomac..poss of weapon,Assault,menacing....2nd arrest---William Boeheim...Leamington st...Disorderly Conduct,False personation. .45 handgun recovered.
279 Perry---Robbery--victim robbed with shotgun by 3 B/M's--wallet,cash stolen.
2158 Seneca--crim mis--1 arrest--Jeremiah Scholl..Briarhill ..West Seneca...broke jukebox
100 Ladner--threats--suspect listed.
242 McKinley--larceny from a car---change stolen.
Sunday January 10th
63 Ryan--lost property--purse lost after getting out of car.
2426 South Park(Reckios)--larceny--purse stolen with cash--purse recovered in Corfu NY.
31 Sirret--crim mis--1 arrest---Shaun Gombos
120 Orlando--larceny--front license plate stolen.
Dingens/James E Casey--Robbery---W/M,small black handgun,forced victim in car(older Buick or Oldsmobile.light blue ,loud muffler)took cell phone camers and dropped victim at S Elmwood/Johnson Park.
58 Pulaski--crim mis/larceny--suspect listed.
770 Carrol--larceny---cash taken work work that was not done...suspect listed.
1807 S Park--crim mis--4 by 4 window broken
20 Amber--Burglary--PS3,Dell Laptop,TV stolen..no forced entry.
152 Lockwood--Contempt of Court--1 arrest---Anna Grady
138 Geary--Assault---1 arrest--Mohammed Algawani
140 Macamley--1 arrest for case from 1-7-10---Darryl Barnes
1205 Seneca--Burgalry from 12-30-09---1 arest---Jose Martinez...Prospect ave
385 Perry--1 arrest--Obstruction---Latrice D Robinson
135 Gilbert---Burglary--suspect listed did enter,rip phone from wall,held victim for 24 hrs.
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