Dr Williams and some other local suit violate the first rule of non-verbal communication. Crossing one's arms is viewed as a sign of mistrust. Isn't it funny how we yawn or cross our arms when we witness someone else do the same? I have a feeling there was a lot of yawning and mistrust at this meeting.
After calling for a moratorium on charter schools last month, Superintendent James Williams today endorsed a grant application calling for major expansion of them. Williams is still opposed to charters, just not when they mean more funding for his district. This way, he can hire more administrators to sit in city hall and do nothing.
“Sometimes as superintendent you have to take the middle of the road,” Williams said Tuesday. “If it means an additional $500,000 at five or six of our schools, selfishness should not be the driving force. You have to do what’s best for the children.” You know, I think that's the first time I've ever heard him say we need to help THE CHILDREN.
Charter schools do work. I work at one and I can tell you the administration forces the parents to become involved in their children's education. Also, the students do not dictate the classroom. The adults run the show. The CHILDREN know that education is a privilege and not a right and they could be sent packing, especially for being disruptive in class.
I do understand the frustration of traditional public school teachers. Charter schools do not perform better because the teachers are better than public school teachers. The teachers at my school are very good but that is because they are put in a position to succeed. Many public schools in the city are excellent (City Honors, Discovery School #67, Hutch Tech, etc.). However, many neighborhood schools have become in essence "charter schools" for parents that don't value education. More alternative schools are needed for the students causing problems at these schools.
Critics say the charter schools pick the best remaining students, which is why they are successful. I say, what's wrong with that? Why should these students be forced to sit next to a 15 year old 8th grader who still chooses to be disruptive in class? I would like to hear Williams and the rest of the Buffalo administrators address the real problems going on in inner-city schools: a complete absence of discipline and a total lack of respect for adults by many of THE CHILDREN and many of their parents. Until they get serious about this, people who can are going to opt for private schools and charter schools, and how can you blame them? The alternative in many cases is a longstanding joke.
Williams backs more charter schools : City & Region : The Buffalo News
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