Sunday, February 5, 2012

Gamer dies and goes unnoticed for 10 hours in crowded cafe

It's hard to believe there are some people who think gamers are weird. A gamer recently died in a crowded internet cafe in Taiwan and none of the other players seemed to notice...

Police told the Taipei Times they were disgusted when they arrived at the scene to find other gamers were disinterested in the corpse and wanted to continue playing during the investigation.

A picture of the crime scene posted to paper's website shows the corpse with outstretched arms reaching toward the keyboard of a computer.

The body had apparently been in that position since 3 p.m. Wednesday afternoon, about 10 hours into Chen's gaming session.

There is nothing anyone can do to break a gamer's concentration when they are in the midst of one of their games. To them, it's not a game. It's a matter of life and death. These people are so socially awkward, I'm kind of surprised I never became one...

'League of Legends' Gamer Dies In Taiwan, Corpse Goes Unnoticed For Hours In Internet Cafe


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