Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Senecas calling on the big guns in Grisanti scuffle

A few of the Senecas being accused of beating up Mark Grisanti's wife have hired local consigliere Paul Cambria to represent them in court...

"We've heard all kinds of hearsay and rumor about this incident, and I plan to sit down with the the Niagara Falls police, look at video evidence and talk to as many credible witnesses as I can," Cambria said Sunday. "My clients claim they did absolutely nothing wrong. ... I want to see if this will go down in history as nothing more than another barroom brawl."

It's always great when someone hires Cambria. No matter where you are, someone will say, Did you see who so and so hired to defend them? As if Cambria is some sort of mythical creature from ancient times. If the Blogger gets attacked at the casino, things might unfold a bit differently. Instead of hiring a high profile defense attorney, I'd probably end up with a public defender named Larry...

Cambria hired by White in casino case


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