Sunday, August 8, 2010


From the Who didn't see this coming? department: A catholic school teacher in Florida, known as "Mr. Hugs", was arrested this week on charges of sexual battery. Looking at this guy's rap sheet, it makes you wonder how he was allowed to continue teaching for so long...

He was reprimanded by the Lake County school district in 1992 for giving a full-body massage in his office to a naked 7-year-old boy who was hyperactive. Yet he was honored in 1993 as one of the state's top 15 principals. He was then charged in 1995 in Osceola County with fondling four boys, but the charges were dropped in 1997.

According to a sheriff's report, one former elementary-school student said Currie ran a finger up and down his naked body to "test" him for attention-deficient disorder. Another said Currie had ordered him and another boy to shake hands, hug and then kiss one another on the mouth because they had quarreled at school.

Mr. Hugs, what were you thinking?

"Mr. Hugs" arrested: Florida educator once known as "Mr. Hugs" charged in sex case -

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