You'll be paying more for your water if you live in the city of Buffalo. Water rates are expected to rise by 21%(that's not a misprint) over the next 2 1/2 years. Water Board Chairman Oluwole McFoy (you can call him Ollie)attributes the increase to an unusually wet summer which contributed to a decrease in water consumption (???). So if we have an unusually dry summer, does that mean our rates will go down by 21%? I wouldn't count on it.
In typical cowardly fashion, Byron Brown waited until after the election to announce what amounts to a tax increase. Thanks again to Brian Higgins and Status Quo Kennedy for supporting Brown over one of their next door neighbors. When asked to comment on the rate hike, Commissioner Jim Comerford said, "What the hell do I care? I live in East Aurora. I'm more concerned about our village being absolved."
People can waste their time and show up to complain tonight at city hall at 6:30 if you want to pay to park and risk getting mugged on the way in. Thank you in advance to the five brave citizens likely to show up. McFoy insists this rate hike has been proposed with the water customers "best interests" in mind. What? I,for one, am glad someone is finally looking out for us. Thanks Ollie!
http://www.blogger.com/%3Ca%20href= water rates to rise : City & Region : The Buffalo News
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