Thank you to Captain Brian Strobele for providing these. It looks like every resident on Trowbridge, Macamley, and Folger Streets was arrested last week. Someone stole a fire extinguisher from a house on McKinley Pkwy(???). Shots were fired at the Union Ship Canal. Also, there was a rape on Wednesday at the Botanical Gardens. I don't know if the victim knew the suspect or what the story is. I did not read about it in the paper. I highlighted all of these crimes due to their seriousness.
Monday Nov 23rd
Monday Nov 23rd
170 Trowbridge--larceny from a car---CD player,CD's stolen.
17 Tamarack--larceny--cell phone stolen
1738 S Park--Burglary--jewelry,cash stolen.
17 Folger--Burglary from the garage---Honda generator,PS-3 & games,tools stolen.
522 S park--Burglary--door kicked in copper piping stolen.
138 Zittel--larceny from a car---purse & change stolen.
1989 Seneca(TOPS)---shoplifter---1 arrest--Jason Zasowski..North Blossom Road ..Elma..
425 Willett---larceny from a car---GPS stolen.
2221 Seneca--Fraud/larceny---Debit card used over $500.00
400 Willett--larceny from a car---wallet stolen
1037 Seneca--larceny--handle broken off trailer--large amount of tools stolen.
701 Seneca--larceny from a truck---GPS stolen.
159 Stevenson--Fraud--utilities put on in victims name.Bill over $1,000.00
15 Lakewood--Violation of order of protection---suspect listed.
93 Pulaski--threats--suspect listed.
175 Lockwood--crim mis--1 arrest--Elissa Slomba..Altruria
Tuesday Nov 24th
11 Downing--assault--suspect listed.
Dingens/Bailey--crim mis/larceny from a car---window broke,purse stolen
300 Dorrance--larceny--cell phone stolen.
116 Ladner--larceny--license plate stolen
300 Ohio--Burglary--locks cut--large amount of copper wire stolen.
25 Clio--1 arrest---tresspassing/Resisting arrest--James R O'Brien...Andrew Alley.
64 Edson--tresspassing--suspect listed.
430 Union Ship Canal--Shots Fired---3 arrests--Tomas C Warnes...Mt Vernon Pkwy..Hamburg,Gregory Velenti..5th st...Blasdell,Donald Haley..Labelle...Blasdell....3 weapons recovered from vehicle..fired shotguns within City of Buffalo.
1989 Seneca--tresspassing--1 arrest--Joshua Chido...Stevenson st
Seneca/Bailey--1 arrest--Drugs...Keiten Barnett Jr...Woodside ave
204 Melrose--V&T/Drugs--1 arrest--Derk Hewitt...Willowdale....Blasdell
Wed Nov 25th
1925 Main st--Niagara Falls---1 arrest for Bank Robbery--10-02-09---Key Bank--2157 Seneca...David Anderson...Keystone.
18 Peru--UUV
1736 S Park--2 arrests for possesion of stolen property--taken in Burglary from 1738 S park--10-23-09---Mathew Popp..Abbott rd,Megan Laney.
50 Edson--Burglary--large amount of furniture,Tv stolen.
6 Littell-- harassment--suspect listed.
36 Pomona--threats--suspect listed.
S Park/Louisianna--Assault--unk B/F did punch victim in the face.
248 Fenton--threats--suspect listed.
Tifft/Hopkins--harassment--suspect listed.
41 Kenefick--Crim mis--1 arrest of Juvenile--did kick car damaging same.
1941 Seneca(Rite-Aid)-shoplifter--unk W/M
58 Paul Pl--larceny--watch stolen--1 arrest---Joshua Pasquale...Sage ave
18 Aldrich--crim mis--broken car window.
687 S Division--Burglary--1 arrest--William Fish..N Division.
150 Southside--Assault--1 arrest--April Ortiz...Kenefick.
15 Norman--larceny--suspect listed.
2056 S Park--larceny--unk female took $100.00
1 Fulton--Counterfeit money--fake $50.00 bill--secret service notified.
80 Elk--harassment--warrant card issued.
Thursday Nov 26th
114 Richfield--larceny from a car---TOM TOM GPS,Debit card stolen & used at various locations.
1699 Seneca--Crim Mis--suspect listed.
23 Weiss--threats--suspect listed.
Clinton/Bailey--Assault--1 arrest--Lauren Torres-Bailey---E Lovejoy st
Clinton/Bailey--1 arrest--warrant--Lauren Torres-Bailey
14 Wasson--crim mis--car window broken
29 MaCamley--Crim mis--pry marks on door to house.
1 Botanical Gradens--Rape--1 arrest--Justin Kendall...Lilac st
26 Oakdale--Burglary---possible suspect listed.
2133 S Park(NOCO)--shoplifters---2 unk W/M's did take 3-30 packs beer.
23 Weiss--threats
1673 Clinton--Burglary--possible suspects listed.
Friday Nov 27th
1028 McKinley--larceny---fire extinguisher stolen...unk w/m
18 Aldrich--threats
62 Densmore--crim mis--several listed juveniles broke victims front window.Restitution to be made.
102 Seymour--larceny--suspect listed.
43 St Stephens--larceny from a car--CD player,cash stolen.
77 Whitehall--Fraud--Debit card used over $1,000.00
251 Potters--larceny from a car--Laptop,briefcase,cell phone stolen.
89 Sage--1 arrest--warrant.candice Lorek...Southwestern..Angola
1483 S park--larceny--clothes,dvd's---suspect listed
449 Perry--harassment--suspect listed.
19 Ryan--crim mis/larceny from a car--window broken---power washer,tools,tool box and bike stolen from the yard.
629 Exchange--crim mis--unk persons did pry off wooden door frame.
Tifft/Hopkins--larceny--tire stolen from truck.
235 Potters--larceny--IPOD touch,change stolen.
312 Perry--threats--1 arrest--Rachel Hall.. Rees st.
1926 Clinton--Drugs--1 arrest---Cecilio Arroyopirro..Clinton St
2085 S Park--Burglary from 10-1-09--1 arrest---Mathew Popp...Abbott Rd
115 Newman--assault from 11-19-09--1 arrest--Scott Bald..South Divison.
Saturday Nov 28th
149 Trowbridge--threats--suspect listed.
154 Trowbridge--Garage Burglary--power washer,TV,stereo,speakers stolen.
55 Spring --larceny--PS-3 stolen.
15 Norman--1 arrest --Paul Brodfuehrer..Norman st--contempt of court/tresspass.
300 Scott--crim mis/larceny from a truck--broken pass window...large amount of tools and items stolen.
100 Mariemont---threatswarrant card issued.
242 Abbott--Burglary--tv stolen.
53 Mineral Springs--threats with a knife--1 arrest--Bridget May
157 Colgate--threats--suspect listed.
29 Sidway--Burglary--door forced--copper pipes stolen.
Sunday Nov 29th
113 Zittell--threats--suspect listed.
64 Koester--larceny--cash stolen--suspect listed.
1199 Seneca--harassmnet--warrant card issued.
30 Remoleno--harassmnet--warrant card issued.
59 Dash--Assault/UUV--suspect listed.
59 Dash--1 arrest--drugs--Paula Newton
51 Folger--harassment--1 arrest--Amir Noman
83 Folger--crim mis--car written on in marker.
214 Maurice--Assault--1 arrest--Patrick McNamara223 Smith--harassment--warrant card issued.
18 Kamper--assault--unk suspects
106 Macamley--crim mis--
95 Vandalia--crim mis--1 Arrest---Joseph Zientek
95 Vandalia--disorderly conduct--1 arrest--Robert Warsaw
I've been looking for a missing person for over 5 years and his name is on your list of criminals. What city exactly is all this located? Buffalo NY?
ReplyDeleteyes. it is Buffalo, NY, specifically the South Buffalo neighborhood. You can reach the police chief Brian Strobele at chiefofadistrict@aol.com. Good luck with your search.