Submitted by South District police chief Patrick Pascall.
***Please remember- All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
9/4/2010 1880 Clinton fel Asslt unknown 2 B/Ms forced complt to buy beer & when approached 2nd time was cut with smashed bottle
9/4/2010 765 Tifft Burg, Gr Larc unknown per(s) unk did enter without persmission & twop 37" tv, playstation & nintendo wi from basement
9/4/2010 87 Roberts UUV unknown twop 2001 Olds Aurora
9/4/2010 163 Smith Gr Larc unknown twop was purse from kitchen table containing drivers license, bank card, $40 cash, personal checks
9/4/2010 845 Abbott CPCS, CPW, Obstruct ARREST - Arthur Mascellino def did twop property from Rite Aid, possess 33 pills out of bottles & large knife; def was combative with ECSD staff
9/4/2010 163 Smith Gr Larc unknown purse twop from computer desk in dining room containing bank card, ckbook, food stamp card $143 & other misc personal/ID items
9/4/2010 26 Parkside Pet Larc unknown per(s) unk did twop $25 from HSBC bank account by unk means
9/4/2010 78 Arbour Ln #4 Burg, Pet Larc, Crim Misch unknown per(s) unk entered bldg, unlocked door to common area, pryed lock on storage room & did twop mountain bike; dmg to lock
9/4/2010 95 Pulaski Pet Larc susp - Gabriella Collan susp did twop several complt's items along with her own things when moved out
9/4/2010 121 Indian Church viol OOP ARREST - Xavier Jiles def did violate OOP by scratching complts face & twop cell phone & cigarettes
9/4/2010 Holly/Clinton Narcotics ARREST - Michael Green def was found with marijuana & pills after being investigated as poss susp from call at 1880 Clinton
9/4/2010 71 St Johns Parkside Crimmis susp - Christina Giles susp did cut electrical cords on washer/dryer
9/4/2010 1942 South Park harass susp - Karen Swit susp did strike complt across face & pulled hair
9/4/2010 396 Swan Stalking, harass susp - Derik Walton susp continually drives by home & verbally threatened to kill/harm complt
9/4/2010 199 Culver harass susp - Rebecca Fuller susp did punch & verbally abuse complt. DCJS3221 filed
9/4/2010 67 Red Jacket Pkwy Crimmis unknown per(s) unk dmg inside molding & door jam to outside door of home; no entry made
9/5/2010 350 South Park UUV unknown veh twop; spare keys missing; veh involved in hit & run earlier in C District
9/5/2010 Hamburg/Perry Robbery (attempt) unknown 2 B/M'S in dk bl Chevy Caprice attempted to rob complt at gunpoint. Passenger pointed revolver at complt & told him to stop; veh went north on Hamburg St
9/5/2010 17 Mesmer UUV unknown veh twop; with no keys
9/5/2010 Leland/South Park Gr Larc unknown twop from veh was black case with approx 70 cd's, cigarettes, lighter
9/5/2010 Baitz/Manitoba Crim Misch (fel); Pet Larc unknown susp smashed windshield on veh & broke driver side window & dented door. Susp twop portable tire air compressor & jumper cables
9/5/2010 435 Baitz Asslt, harass, pet larc, crim misch susp - Felicia Truman-Lyons susp punched complt in face; breaking glasses & did also knock him to floor, kicked him & bit him. Susp did twop complt's car keys
9/5/2010 22 Leamington Pet Larc susp - Rebecca Smale while complt temporarily staying with susp, he was locked out of house & property was withheld
9/5/2010 2133 South Park Pet Larc unknown- juvenile unk bi-racial 12-13 yoa male did steal items from store valued at $2.50
9/5/2010 32 Hayden Pet Larc, Crim Misch unknown susp dmg US flag & dmg other items & did twop reflectors from yard
9/5/2010 785 Tifft Crim Misch, Harass susp - Benjamin Rappa nephew did intentionally dmg front lawn with veh & threatened to burn house down
9/5/2010 53 Pulaski harass susp - Jessica Merrit Son's girlfriend threatening to physically harm complt over phone
9/5/2010 122 Aldrich Asslt, Crim Poss Stolen Prop, Harass ARREST - Joshua Lukasik def did strike complt with hammer; did posses crack pipes & was in possession of 2 pr sneakers twop from Payless (#10-248-0453), 1168 Abbott. DCJS3221 filed.
9/5/2010 122 Aldrich CPSP ARREST - Joshua Lukasik (see above) While ofc on assault call, found def in possession of 2 pr sneakers stolen from Payless
9/5/2010 197 Weimar Endanger welf child, Crim Poss Cont Subst 2 ARRESTS - Erica Pereira & Anthony Wilson Ofc(s) responding to ck welfare call did find apartment door open, baby on couch crying & urine soaked. Baby left alone for unk amt of time; crack pipe on kitchen table
9/5/2010 42 Hayden Crim Misch unknown susp did smash window of veh
9/5/2010 1267 Seneca Asslt, Trespass, Harass ARREST - David Grace def, in family dispute, did grab complt by throat & force her against wall outside home. Def physically removed & fled on foot & taken into custody at Seneca/Keating
9/6/2010 24 Sheffield Pet Larc susp - David Partridge susp did twop medication & sold it; admitting it
9/6/2010 2311 South Park Crim Misch (fel); Pet Larc, Harass, Trespass unk - "Jake"?? w/m, late 20's, bl jeans, wh t-shirt, short hair Red jeep did drive over property doing extensive dmg to grass, 3 sm trees & 1 tree missing. Complt approached susp & susp did take swing at complt
9/6/2010 89 Bloomfield Gr Larc, Pet Larc unknown susp did twop wallet containing credit cards, ID, $12 from veh parked in driveway
9/6/2010 150 Southside Burg (att), Crim Misch unk susp did pry open metal screen grate on basement window in attempt to gain entry into closed school; dmg to grate & wood around window
9/6/2010 376 Louisiana #E Burg, Pet Larc unk susp did twop playstation
9/6/2010 90 Hammerschmidt Burg, Gr Larc, Crim Misch (fel) unk while on vac susp did twop over $4000 items (computer, jewelry, cash, medication, GPS etc.) & did dmg door
9/6/2010 805 So Division Asslt (fel), Harass unk Complt was punched by per(s) unk causing injury to eye (requiring surgery) & knee
9/6/2010 65 Kamper viol OOP warrant card - Terry Pettengill def did violate OOP by texting numerous messages
9/6/2010 155 Bailey Making Graffiti unk W/M did spray paint concrete with white paint
9/6/2010 103 Eden Agg Harassment susp - Peggy Gajowski susp did phone complt numerous times & did leave messages re: previous reported crime
9/6/2010 Seneca/Elk Crim Misch (fel), Crim Poss Weap, Menacing 2 ARRESTS - Chad Whalen, Kyle Russell Pers #1 was driving when Pers #2 threw soccer ball, hitting veh. Pers #1 turned around & pulled up to Pers #2 almost hitting him. #1 pulled out machete, screaming at #2 & swinging machete. #2 then threw rock breaking back window of veh. Per #1 & Pers #2 both arrested.
9/6/2010 209 Babcock Warrant Arrest ARREST - Joseph Goff def arrested on outstanding warrant
9/7/2010 90 Abbott Burg (att), Crim Misch ARREST - Patrick Daniels def did attempt to enter through windo; did break screen/window; causing dmg to same & did flee scene when witness showed
9/7/2010 242 Miami RUUV unk veh recovered with battery missing
9/7/2010 135 Whitehall UUV susp - Nicholas Knezevic veh twop with keys; veh later rptd by owner returned
9/7/2010 39 Meriden Pet Larc unk twop from veh were cd's, loose chg, veh info. No dmg to veh
9/7/2010 South Park/Smith Gr Larc, Crim Misch, Trespass unk twop from lock box inside of building under construction was 4000ft of copper wire, cordless drill & ext cord. Also twop was company fuel card from inside truck; dmg to vent window on veh.
9/7/2010 1460 South Park Gr Larc, Forgery unk Complt lost wallet containing bank debit card, license, soc sec card. Susps did use debi card at 3 gas stations
9/7/2010 2311 South Park Pet Larc susp - Paul McAstling susp was seen walking on complt's lot, pull 2' tree from ground & did twop same
9/7/2010 183 Tuscarora Gr Larc, Crim Impersonation unk susp did withdrawal $1164.69 from account without permission
9/7/2010 87 Barnard Gr Larc possible known susp per(s) unk opened Best Buy credit card in her name & charged $1500 without her permission
9/7/2010 166 Dart St RUUV per Auto Reg veh was towed by parking enforcement
9/7/2010 19 Lilac Crim Misch (fel) unk unk pers from unk veh threw brick at compts veh shattering driver side window from unk
9/7/2010 2066 South Park harass ARREST - Paul Brady def grabbed/pushed pregnant 15yoa daughter & verbally abused
9/7/2010 148 Gorski ID theft poss susp - Nancy Malinowski pers unk did open 2 National Grid accounts in her name without permission
9/7/2010 55 Hayden Agg Harassment susp - Christopher Kraft husband called & threatened to punch complt in face/kill her & did come to her mom's, kicked door in & took kids.
9/7/2010 1435 South Park Asslt, harass, crim misch, obstructing ARREST - Isaac Ortiz def did hit complt in head with beer bottle; punch/slap in head/face/body injuiring same. Def did also rip shirt buttons off & did push/shove officers & att to spit on officers.
9/7/2010 162 Gilbert harass susp - David Partridge after verbal argument susp did punch her in right eye; no visible marks.
9/7/2010 284 Willet Fraud (att) susp - Dean Johnson complt inquired via on line being a "mystery shopper", received info & request to send $650 (did not) & did receive from company invalid money order to begin shopping
9/7/2010 76 Indian Church Harass, Crim Trespass susp - Karl Bernhardt susp (ex-husband) showed up at house unannounced, entered fenced in front yard, tried to enter home & was also in backyard
9/8/2010 326 Mystic Asslt (fel), Harass, Endang welf child, Crim Poss Weapon susp - Carl Jackson Two weeks prior susp broke into home & stole her keys; this date susp gained entry to home with said keys & did striker her in head with dinner plate causing laceration to forehead
9/8/2010 1 Fulton UUV unk pers unk did twop unlocked veh; extra keys under front seat
9/8/2010 36 Columbus Pet Larc susp - Tanner Torres susp did twop $230 from wallet & bought a bus ticket
9/8/2010 303 Perry Narcotics 2 ARRESTS - Brian Dusza; Kelly Richter def (Richter) made illegal u-turn & when veh was stopped def(s) were in possession of over 500mgs crack cocaine & pipe. Also, def Richter DWI & def Dusza open container
9/8/2010 9 Andrew Alley Warrant Arrest ARRESTS - Amar Alasri Ofc(s) adv of warrant susp & did find susp hiding in bedroom closet inside wall. Def did viol OOP & did refuse to exit wall & did refuse to place hands behind back; forcibly subdued & handcuffed
9/8/2010 1525 South Park #1 Menacing, Harass, Crim Cont (fel) susp - Terrance Helm susp arguing with complts & threatened to stab them with knife, did push complts & violated OOP.
9/9/2010 124 Abbott (up) Gr Larc, Pet Larc poss susp - Alisha Russell pers unk removed benefi card from wallet on bed & did use it for $133 of merchandise
9/9/2010 2068 South Park Gr Larc, Pet Larc, Crim Poss Stolen Prop, Harass, Menac ARREST - Richard Spencer Jr def did twop benefit card, house keys & grab complt by arm, knocked down & threatened to harm her & has displayed black handled knife
9/9/2010 53 Allegany Burg, Crim Misch (fel), Harass 2 ARREST - Jesse Macadlo; Carissa Bochenski/ susp - Walter Lake 2 males & 1 female kicked & pryed open door to home, gained entry; damaging outside & inside door. 2 males threatened to kill complt. All known to complt - susp is still outstanding
9/9/2010 235 Myrtle Crim Misch unk susp did brak pass side window of veh
9/9/2010 Bailey/Delevan Asslt, Harass ARREST - Samantha Irby def did grab complt (JUV) by hair, knock to ground & punch/hit/kick complt
9/9/2010 1 Fulton RUUV unk veh was recovered by NFTA police
9/9/2010 109 Geary Asslt, Harass ARREST - Sean Campbell def (unk to complt) approached him push/slap him & grabbed by neck choking him
9/9/2010 2426 South Park Asslt, Harass 2 susps - Dennis Smith; Joe O'Connor after argument over french fries, def(s) did throw complt off bar stool to ground & punch head/face & put him in choke hold causing cuts/scratches/broken nose
9/10/2010 49 Kirkover Narcotics, VTL 2 ARRESTS - Deandre Lucas; Jimmie Workman def Deandre operating veh with susp license & expired inspection. 2 large rocks of cocaine found on veh floor
9/10/2010 167 Barnard Pet Larc unk pers unk did twop several plants from front porch
9/10/2010 213 Stevenson Sex Abuse known susp mother states daughter was abused for months in 2004 by ex-boyfriend
9/10/2010 490 North Legion Pet Larc unk twop from veh was $200 cash
9/10/2010 693 Hopkins Crim Misc susp - Kevin Walker son did admit he damaged front door/frame of apartment
9/10/2010 47 Weiss Menacing, Harass, unk WM while complt stopped in middle of road susp got out of green pickup truck angry, screaming at complt & did show red/brown sledge hammer; chased complt causing him fear & twisting of ankle. Complt not harmed
9/10/2010 58 Clifford Asslt (fel), Crim Poss Weapon susp - David Walden after exchange of words, susp followed complt into address & argument became physical. Susp did strike complt numerous times with brass knuckles causing injury
9/10/2010 Durant Park Pet Larc susp - H/F, tall, thin, long straight black hair Susp asked 7 year old to see her red electric scooter & did ride off with it
9/10/2010 218 South Ogden Forcible Touching susp - W/M 40's, 5'8-5'10, gray tank, jeans, bb hat, on purp mountain bike Juvenile daughter was outside near residence; unk susp bumped into juvenile & did touch her, then fled on bike south towards Mineral Springs
9/10/2010 Caz Park Casino Obstruct, Discon, Trespass ARREST - Colt Kosowski def did trespass after being ejected & did return; was verbally abusive & did obstruct to officer
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