From the strange bedfellows department: Many people are talking about the Buffalo News story on Carl Paladino's school Board opponent, "Yo" Adrian Harris, being offered a recreation position by the mayor. Accepting the 2-10PM position would make it impossible for Harris to attend Board meetings, which are routinely scheduled at 7PM.
Besides it being more strange behavior by Mayor Brown, I don't make much of this story. I don't know anyone in South Buffalo who has ever heard of Adrian Harris. I give him credit for running, but I don't give him much of a shot of defeating the well known (and well funded) Paladino. The only votes he will get are from teachers, worried that Paladino might try to have them work 16 hour days and on Christmas Eve.
Paladino is viewed as an anti-establishment politician, which will sell to the many people currently fed up with the current state of government. Paladino is having a free party at the Ironworker's Hall in a few weeks. Half of South Buffalo will be there, many of them simply to enjoy the free food. Parties like this are unprecedented for a School Board race. I plan on going and asking him for $10 in exchange for voting for him. Hey, a guy has to make a buck any way he can these days.
That Brown or Paladino would be worried about Harris is a stretch, and I honestly don't think they are. Although being in the business world, I'm sure Carl knows to always respect your opponent. I heard him on the radio, and Harris sounds like a nice, well spoken guy. A nice, well spoken guy with little chance of winning. But, to his credit, he is continuing on with the campaign. My advice to him would have been to take the recreation job (if he is unhappy at his current gig.)
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