Thursday, December 13, 2012

Remembering the Forgotten

One hundred years ago, the poor, homeless, and destitute who passed away were unceremoniously dumped into the ground at Forest Lawn Cemetery. No name written on their tombstone, as if they didn't exist and their lives meaningless.

It was a different time and people simply thought differently. Yesterday, over 30 volunteers from People, Incorporated gathered at the site to honor 296 of these forgotten souls. They laid wreaths at their gravesites. A simply act with a simple message: These lives did have value...

Most of the people buried in that section died between 1870 and 1970.

The young adults started their project by edging the graves, sweeping off grave markers and raking leaves. Then, based on information from Forest Lawn officials, they began making and laminating the wreath tags that state, “In Memory of (name) From Your Friends at People Inc.”

It's easy to dwell on how the last generation treated the destitute, however, I'd rather give props to the current generation for righting a wrong. This is one of those local stories that make you stop and think and be thankful for all the things you have and to do something for someone less fortunate this holiday season. To read Gene Warner's full Buffalo News article, please check out the link here...

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